Governing Body

  • Chair of Governors: Mrs J Yorke
  • Vice Chair of Governors: Mrs L Girling

Dates in brackets below indicate appointment end.

Parent Governors

Co-opted Governors

Mr A Wills (3 December 2027) Miss E Curry (1 June 2026)
Mr J Melleney (3 December 2027) Mr M J Taylor (3 July 2027)
Mrs J Matley (8 October 2027) Mr M Lesser (30 March 2025)
Mrs N Joyner (8 October 2027) Mr L Crutcher (7 December 2025)
  Mrs E Hall (2 July 2028)
  Mr I Odhams (30 March 2025)
  Mrs J Yorke (30 March 2025)
  Mrs S Langdale (4 December 2027)

Staff Governors

Partnership Governors

Mr A Mead Rev S Partridge (28 March 2026)
Mrs S McCarthy (6 October 2027) Mr M Rathbone (7 December 2024)

Authority Governors

Associate Governors

Mrs L Girling (26 March 2028)  


The clerk to the governors can be contacted via email at



Aims of the School

  1. We want every student to aspire for excellence in all areas of school life. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum, where students are able to pursue their passions.
  2. We seek to teach in ways that engage and challenge our students.  We want our students to develop an intellectual curiosity and a love of learning.
  3. We recognise the importance of our students being highly literate and numerate.
  4. We aim to empower our students to develop self-confidence, independence and effective communication skills in both oral and written form, building their knowledge and developing their transferable skills for adulthood and the 21st century world of work.
  5. We seek to develop students’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development so that they can contribute positively to society.
  6. We want our students to develop character, perseverance and resilience, and learn how to self-regulate.
  7. We want students to embrace British values and respect others and their cultures. We expect students to be kind, thoughtful and compassionate.
  8. We promote the importance of physical and mental wellbeing so that students can lead a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.


Our Core Values:

i) For our school:

  • To provide a safe, caring learning environment
  • To have high expectations of all our staff and students
  • To pursue excellence and achieve outstanding academic outcomes for our students through outstanding teaching and learning
  • To prepare young people for adulthood and the world of work
  • To play a positive role in the local community

ii) For our students:

  • To become confident, independent, ambitious, resilient,  well-rounded young adults
  • To develop a love of learning and to become life-long learners
  • To understand the importance of hard work
  • To become responsible, caring and tolerant citizens who will make a valuable contribution to society

Governors Documents